Virtual Exhibitions

EIn recent years, several exhibitions at Göttingen University have served as an appetizer to Forum Wissen. We have documented these exhibitions in 360° spherical panoramas and made them accessible on the internet. Embedded in this are interactive object photographs, texts, videos and audios.

A cooperation of the Central Custody and the State and University Library of Lower Saxony (SUB) with the Central Office of the Common Library Network (VZG of the GBV) in the context of

“…a good picture is left for posterity.”

From 27 September 2018 to 3 March 2019, the exhibition „Face the Fact – Wissenschaftlichkeit im Portrait“ was on display in the Art Collection of the University of Göttingen. We digitally preserved it in 360° spherical panoramas and embedded all content interactively. Experience portraits of researchers and teachers from 300 years and get to the bottom of the mechanisms of self-representation in science with us.

Published to accompany the exhibition (available in German): Gesichter der Wissenschaft. Repräsentanz und Performanz von Gelehrten in Portraits, Göttingen : Wallstein, 2019.

Excursion into the microcosm

Where are the boundaries of science? And how do you push them?

From 11 December 2016 to 28 May 2017, the exhibition on/off – Vom Nobelpreis und den Grenzen der Wissenschaft took the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to Stefan Hell, a physicist from Göttingen, as an opportunity to explore these questions. This tour also remains digitally accessible for you in spherical panoramas, with embedded videos, audios, images and texts. Caution: Deep Content! It might take you a while to emerge from the depths again….

At the historical site

In the exhibition Dinge Denken Lichtenberg – Zum 275. Geburtstag Georg Christoph Lichtenbergs many objects of the Göttingen physicist, naturalist and writer returned to his former place of work at Papendiek. Explore the Paulinerkirche, a centrepiece of the university in today’s historic SUB, and walk in his footsteps among Lichtenberg’s things and writings. The floor plan gives you an overview of everything and 360° spheres immerse you directly in the exhibition. Here you will also find the catalogue published for the exhibition.