
Hands-on mathematics for smaller children

Logo: Mini-Mathematikum

The Mini-Mathematikum consists of a total of 15 hands-on exhibits. It is aimed at children from 3 to 8 years. The mathematical basics “numbers”, “shapes” and “patterns” can be investigated in lots of different ways. The objects can be touched, set in motion or observed very closely. And best of all, what is most fun is doing the experiments together with other children.

The Mini-Mathematikum at Forum Wissen also motivates our youngest visitors to explore mathematics using all their senses. Some experiments are exchanged once a year so that there are always new nuts to crack. The elements are kindly provided by the Mathematikum in Gießen. The Mini-Mathematikum is open for families. Day care centres and school classes are requested to register in advance.

Mini-Mathematikum-Workshop: Grasping, Observing, Building

What does the inside of a soap bubble look like? How are mirror images created? How do you build a cube from three pyramids?

Together we solve tricky questions and explore numbers, shapes and patterns.
The Mini-Mathematikum workshop is structured in three units: following on from the visit to the Mini-Mathematikum, the children can train their perception our core exhibition The Rooms of Knowledge and let their creativity run free by drawing, painting and crafting. The workshop can be booked Tuesday – Friday from 10 am – 6 pm.
Age group: day-care centre children and primary school pupils
Duration: 2 to 3 hours
Registration: +49 551 3926600 or by email to

Click here for more offers for families and children.

For more information please contact our service desk.

The exhibition is supported by:

IBE - Institut für Bildung & Erziehung
Logo: mathematikum - Mathematik zum Anfassen
Logo: Deutsche Postcode Lotterie
Logo: Susanne & Gerd - Litfin Stiftung