Sponsors’ Association

The Sponsorts’ Association (Förderkreis) was founded in 2017 by culturally interested and responsible citizens in Göttingen to promote and support the development of Forum Wissen. At the interface between science and society, the Förderkreis actively supports the Forum Wissen in all its diverse forms in order to establish it as a lively meeting place for people interested in knowledge in Göttingen in the long term and to strengthen its importance beyond the region.

Since its inception, the Sponsors’ Association, together with a large number of supporters, has raised donations totalling over 200,000 euros for the Forum Wissen! Among other things, this has enabled the bright FORUM WISSEN lettering above the building, a room sponsorship and the restoration of the whale.

The aim for the future is to gain more members so that the Forum Wissen can be rediscovered again and again by future generations as a source of knowledge and inspiration. Members have preferential access to the numerous events and previews
of the Forum Wissen’s special exhibitions. You can find the association’s statutes here.

Katharina Kastendieck

Förderkreis Forum Wissen e. V.
Wilhelmsplatz 3, 37073 Göttingen

Become a member!

If you would like to become a member of the Förderkreis, please complete the online membership form or download it here and send it to the address above. The membership fee regulations, which can be viewed here, stipulate the following annual fees for natural persons:

  • Individual membership: min. 60 Euros
  • Reduced membership fee (school pupils, students, trainees, persons receiving transfer payments): min. 30 Euros
  • Family membership (two adults and children): at least EUR 110

The contribution for legal entities is determined individually (minimum EUR 250) by the board of the sponsoring organisation and representatives of the legal entity together. The contributions are collected annually by direct debit.

Donations can be made through Sparkasse Göttingen:
IBAN: DE93 2605 0001 0056 0628 54

The Forum Wissen Sponsors’ Association Board

  • Chair: Ursula Haufe
  • Deputy Chair: Prof. Dr. Ramin Yahyapour
  • Deputy Chair Sigrid Lüttge
  • Treasurer: Rolf Vieten
  • Secretary: Petra Hillebrandt

Address Forum Wissen Sponsors’ Association

Förderkreis Forum Wissen e. V.
Wilhelmsplatz 3, 37073 Göttingen
E-Mail: foerderkreis@forum-wissen.de

Logo des Forum Wissen Förderkreises