Catalogue – Spaces of Knowledge

Knowledge is created in the interaction of people, questions and ideas, of objects and methods, in specific places and under specific conditions.

Even more knowledge! The catalogue for the core exhibition at Forum Wissen offers insights into the emergence and structure of the spaces of knowledge. Spaces, practices, actors, perspectives, mobilities, objects, sensibilities – a chapter is dedicated to each of these principles. First the respective principle is introduced, then it is explained how it is implemented in the exhibition. Spaces here are not only buildings and laboratories, but also diagrams, a showcase or the factors that have to be considered when constructing an auditorium. The chapter on the “Making of” Forum Wissen provides information on the previous history, planning and practical implementation of a modern museum in a listed building.The catalogue which is attractively designed is available in our museum shop, in bookshops in Göttingen, or directly from Wallstein Verlag.

Edited by Marie Luisa Allemeyer, Joachim Baur and Christian Vogel

Spaces of knowledge; Wallstein-Verlag Göttingen, 400 pages
379 partly coloured illustrations, ISBN 978-3-8353-5331-2 (January 2023), € 29.00 (D)